Conjugaison du verbe swing over [v.]
-swing over
Iswing over
youswing over
heswings over
weswing over
youswing over
theyswing over
Iswung over
youswung over
heswung over
weswung over
youswung over
theyswung over
Iwillswing over
youwillswing over
hewillswing over
wewillswing over
youwillswing over
theywillswing over
Ihaveswung over
youhaveswung over
hehasswung over
wehaveswung over
youhaveswung over
theyhaveswung over
-swinging over
-swung over
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
wring out cling to swing over fling off string along swing about swing out string together swing to string out string up swing around swing shut wring from